Sunday, 20 January 2013

Mom & Mass Effect Reboot

So this past Saturday I went to my parent's house to do an errand. After that my mom and I sat down for our second session.

Now that she knows what's going on, she's more comfortable with making the choices while I play. So we created a new game. Same choices, Colonist, Sole Survivor, Sentinel.

My mom isn't really good at finding out how to do new things on the PC on her own (yet, this experiment is going to change this I'm sure :) ), so while I was playing I was explaining to her what keys I was pressing and what I was doing with the mouse. She made notes of most things so I'm really hopeful that she will be playing this herself at some point :)

She really got into "her story" and she said something along the lines of "It's addictive. We're going to spend hours on this." Now she knows why I spend hours on stuff like this :P

I explained to her how save games work. We also made one save game at the start of Eden Prime so she can go back and practice the fighting and then jump forward to where we are now.

I did explain to her what happens when you click "Investigate" in the dialog options, but that she has to tell me if she wants to talk to people more. She usually investigates what people say :) I'll have to see if she keeps on doing this, but I have high hopes.

I also explained to her what she needs to do in the menu when you press Escape. I explained what the journal, squad menu, etc does including what the codex menu item is for. Her response to this was along the lines of "Oh, so this is how you know so much of the background." Since we had limited time (I had to go at 4 PM), she asked me "Can I go look at these myself later on?" I gave her an affirmative on this. I'm rather ecstatic that she's interested enough to go listen to the codex entries in her own time.

So, we played through Eden Prime and eventually reached the Citadel. We talked to many NPCs, some of which mentioned the Consort (the Elcor diplomat who has a problem, the Alliance marines who wanted to go visit her). I did run around quite a bit, since I wanted to show her the concept of exploration and that you can talk to other people. We eventually reached the Consort's place of business and we talked to the receptionist. Somewhere in the conversation where the assistant explains what the consort and her acolytes do, my mom said "Is this a whore house?". I did awkwardly laugh a little at that, but tried to explain that consorts usually offer a variety of services including just talking to people. Eventually it boiled down to "Its a classy whore house." She laughed when you pass by the salarian that says something like "Even humans find the Consort appealing."

We eventually spoke to the Council and could either look for Harkin, Garrus or go talk to Barla Von. My mom also reminded me that we need to go talk to the drunk turian General in the bar. (Guys, my mom is reminding me about side quests, awesome). So since Barla Von was nearby, we went to talk to him and found out about Wrex. So we went to go get him first.

Through most conversation my mom sometimes makes paragon, sometimes neutral and sometimes renegade choices. We'll have to see how it goes.

So we ended the session, walking around and talking to people with Wrex and Alenko in the squad.

**Next update might take a bit of time, as my mom has a lot of work to do atm. I'm hoping to go visit again on Thursday, though I did tell her to SMS me if she decides to play it herself ;)
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