Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Terminus Tales: Session 1 Part 2

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So we continue with the second installment of the first session. Part 1 was a bit of an introduction to the characters and a bit of combat. I thought it would be a nice start to get to know each other and what they can do as well as an introduction to the Savage Worlds system for the ones that didn't know it.

We also found out that someone has it in for the Ironfist Battalion!

The Tale

Once the Detuun docks at Omega and the group disembarks, the elcor Captain thanks them.
"Relieved: Thank you for your assistance. We will be making use of the Ironfist Battalion again."

Vinicious contacts the group over the comms to meet him at HQ for a debrief.

[The wiki lists a few districts on Omega. You can read up on them or you would have seen them in Mass Effect 2 and the Omega DLC]

The group head off to the Ironfist Battalion HQ located in the Tuhi district, a commercial district. When they get there the entry-way is a rather large meeting area with a few chairs and displays on the walls showing vids in the background. The area also has a large desk off to one side with a rather busy-looking volus working at it. There are three hallways leading away from the main area. The one to the right is labelled as "Mess Hall" and the middle passage was much wider than the others.

After Vinicious finishes doing something on a datapad, he'll look up and greet the group. "Good job you lot. We got a good review from the elcor. Now, tell me how it went on the ship?"

The group reported on the pirate attack. They also relayed the information about the salarian and the message that they found on the one pirate, making their concerns known.

"Well that's troublesome.It'll take more than their meddling to stop us though." The group inquire further and Vinicious suggest that they go and look up a small merc band called the Crimson Thunder. They met with some difficulties shortly before the job from the elcor and had to bail. The Ironfist Battalion picked up the opportunity since getting into the market escorting ships from Thunawanuro was quite lucrative. They might find them in one of the bars in the Tuhi district. Try The Ugly Bastard, Knuckles or Snooks.

Vinicious reminds them to pick up their credits for the job at Esseno's desk (the volus).

As they mill about the HQ the vids show the news.
[I thought this is a nice addition and tool for a futuristic world that's alive. It also feels more like the games where you hear news reports as you walk around.]
News items that scroll by:

  • Bullets fly as the Blue Suns and Blood Pack clash over territory in the Kenzo district. Residents are advised to stay indoors until given the all clear.
  • Omega Clinic saves turian merchant riddled with bullets.
  • Ironfist Battalion foil pirates’ attempt to steal an elcor ship.
  • Aria T’Loak makes an example of a Talon mercenary who thought it was a good idea to leave their tag on one of her walls. More sensitive viewers are advised to avoid the area until clean-up crews are done.
  • Clear Springs Pharmaceutical signs a trade agreement with the Turian military.
  • Bekk Had-dah opens new shipyard.
  • Human colony in the terminus systems sends first batch of criminals to Purgatory.
Min does a couple of searches on the Extranet on some of the news items. [When he asks, I'm able to provide answers :) He didn't really share what he learned, so I'm not going to go into all of it. He did share some info with Pax on the turian merchant. The turian merchant got shot about a week ago.]

The group decided to split up for the day. Pax and Min went to Afterlife for a drink. Wrahm and Nat went off to The Ugly Bastard to "investigate" the other mercs (they went drinking), Boneis went of to the Kenzo district, Pentus went back to the barracks as well as Narro.

Narro did some searches on info on the Crimson Thunder. He found a couple of Extranet articles on a group of Crimson Thunder mercs doing escort duty on Omega. They apparently got ambushed about a week ago. There was only one surviving krogan that made its way to Omega Clinic. Narro shares this info with the group.

Nat and Wrahm find out from the people in the bar that they saw some Crimson Thunder guys at the Knuckles bar. They eventually head that way.

Boneis lands in a bar in the Kenzo district called The Hole. He places some bets on varren fights and makes a couple of extra credits. He finds out from Narro where the Crimson Thunder HQ is and heads there after the bar.

Pax and Min head off to the Omega Clinic, thinking that the turian merchant might have been involved in the Crimson Thunder's shooting. They arrive at the reception area of the clinic where a salarian is quite busy. They ask him if they can see patient information for the turian that got shot not too long ago. The salarian claims that he wouldn't feel comfortable giving them information like that, but that he would go get one of the doctors that they could speak to.

He vanishes for a brief period of time before returning with an asari.
"Hi, I'm Doctor Selene D'Thuun. How may I be of assistance?"
Pax looks surprised and introduces himself as Pax D'Thuun.
The doctor is also surprised "What an odd name for a drell."
They find out that they have the same mom, or in Pax's case, step-mom. [Hehe, he wasn't expecting to find a sister :P To explain to the readers, Pax's biological mom passed away when he was very young, but his dad bonded with an asari after that. So they are family but not by blood.]
They agree to meet up after her shift at the clinic to get to know each other before coming back to business. They find out that the turian merchant, Lucius Durio, was just at the wrong place at the wrong time and got caught in the crossfire between the Blood Pack and Blue Suns.
They find out that the krogan did come in here all bloody and broken and that he was patched up. Krogan being krogan, he left when he felt he was well enough, even though the doctors didn't agree. He probably went off to one of the bars in the Tuhi district to drink.
[After this there was a particularly confused conversation between Min and Pax about him being an offspring of an asari that I won't be able to repeat. Min has the Clueless hindrance and the player is playing it very well. Its hilarious.]

Nat and Wrahm find the mercs at the Knuckles bar. The krogan was having a drink with some of other Crimson Thunder guys that were not part of the squad that got shot. They simply let the others know "We've found them."  No extra information. Narro sends them a message asking for more information. Which they ignore for a time until Wragm complains about his omni-tool constantly blinking and that he doesn't remember what button to press to make the blinking go away. Nat will send the others more information.

The krogan told them that they were doing a standard security escort for some rich merchant. They were supposed to escort him to the Tuhi District Storage section. All went well until they got got ambushed. Mechs started crawling out from everywhere and started shooting at them. These things kinda looked like klixen, but with metal and guns instead of flesh and fire. They killed everyone except the krogan, even the merchant.

Boneis finds the Crimson Thunder HQ. The windows are already broken and its dark inside. He slips into the building and searches it. He finds information on the last job that the group had. It seemed like a standard job. He also finds information on where exactly the storage unit was that they were heading to. He relays this information to the others.

They decide to meet there. Pentus provides sniper cover from a nice vantage point while the rest approach the storage area. There are gunshots and fire damage on the outside and inside of the storage unit. Its mostly empty except for the blood and one empty crate. At the bottom of the crate is what appears to be some red dust. Pax suggests that Nat try some of the stuff at the bottom. Nat knows enough not to be tricked into trying Red Sand. They notice a bit of scrap metal behind the crate with a logo on it. Narro manages to do an Extranet search on the logo that points to a nearby Mech Shop.

The sign outside the shop says they buy, sell and repair mechs. Pentus decides to stay by the large front door as the rest enter. Behind a big desk sits a salarian. He's covered in oil and grease and some sections of his apron are scorched. He's busy fiddling with bits and bobs. He doesn't notice the party until someone cleared their throat. The storage bay contains many different mechanical parts. Some of the party investigating the heaps or metal and parts would see some four legged mechs sticking out.
"Oh sorry about that." He puts things away "How can I help you today?" 
The party inquires about recent purchases and mechs. The salarian dodges the questions until they present the bit of scrap metal with his shop's logo on it and mention the group of Crimson Thunder getting attacked by mechs. The salarian starts to shift around nervously, but still claims he doesn't know what they were talking about. As the group inches a bit closer to prevent the salarian from bolting when Wrahm mentions "I like salarian. They eyes make a good popping sound when you squish their heads."

At that point the salarian panics presses a button on the underside of his desk and ducks underneath it in fright. 

[I found a cool pic of spider-like mechs to show them here :) ]

Mechs start activating in the rubble as the group tenses. The nearest activated mech with red armour spews fire onto the closely gathered group. Being battle-ready mercenaries, they managed to roll out of the way of the initial attack.

The grey mechs fire shots at the party whilst the white mechs at the back of the shop snipe at them. Avoiding most of the initial rain of bullets the group take out the closer mechs. Taking cover behind workbenches and with sniper fire from the door, they eventually manage to take out the last of the reactivated mechs.

They manage to drag the frightened salarian out from under his workbench. "Ok, ok, I'll talk! Just don't kill me! A batarian came in here last week looking for some good mechs with lots of firepower. He has scars over his right eyes. He called himself Bran. I don't know more than that I swear! Just don't let the krogan hurt me!" He's shivering with fright and the party can't get any other information out of him. The last mech they took down was still in goodish condition and Narro asked if he can take it. "Yes! Just take it I don't care!"

They try to find some information on Bran on the Extranet, but other than just being mentioned there's no solid leads. They decide to ask some of the older mercs at HQ the next day. Most of the group retire for the evening. Narro spends time until the wee hours of the morning working on the mech he got(which he will regret later). Boneis vanishes off on his own business on Omega and Pax goes to have a lovely dinner with his sister.

Tips from Session 1 Part 2:

  • We're all good friends that love to game together and we love talking geek. Sometimes people chat during roleplaying and this can be a bit distracting from the game. Remember to bring people back to the game. 
  • I find that knowing the setting very well before the first session helped me a lot when I had to fill in gaps. If you are playing in a well-known setting, do read up a bit, though you don't need to know everything ;)

How was the first session for me?

My first session was a bucket of fun. I had some nervous jitters as we started, but that soon subsided into just enjoying the story and combat.
Love the characters so far. A Jerry-Atrick krogan with massive corrective lenses is such an awesome idea.
The histories that my players came up with for their characters are fantastic and I am looking forward to telling the story for them.
My hard work into the news items and presentation paid off since the players loved it! We usually have like 4 hour session for games, but we started playing at 4 pm and went on until 1:30AM! I offered that we stop at 10PM because it was getting late, but they wanted to go on. Makes me so happy :)
I'm also pleased that I could think on my feet. I had some doubts about that, but it worked out in the end!
The game could not have been epic without my awesome players. Thanks you guys!

Stay tuned for the next session of the Terminus Tales :)

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