Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Terminus Tales:Prelude

Prelude to this undertaking

So, after playing Leviathan and Omega at the end of last year, I became super-excited about Mass Effect again.

I considered running a Mass Effect campaign in the past and didn't really get around to it. This time I decided to get off my lazy ass and just run it.

So I started planning and got our usual rp group + 2 together and asked them to draw up characters and send me some histories.

I decided today that I would try this blogging thing and share the experience with the interwebs. Hope you enjoy :)

Also, don't judge too harshly, I'm a newbie GM, so I'm still learning.

Campaign Setting

The year is 2169 CE, 14 years prior to the start of ME1

You are employed by a mercenary company called the Ironfist Battalion. They are a mercenary company that have a small presence on Omega. They do odd jobs, mostly security services.

You are currently assigned to a mission on board the elcor cargo ship Detuun. You were assigned to be the on board security in case of pirate attack.

Detuun is carrying a shipment of thorium from the planet Thunawanuro (Batalla System in the Omega Nebula). The pirates of the Terminus systems rarely try anything with the mercenaries guarding the elcor ships. This elcor planet is well known for paying the mercenaries well to protect their shipments.

Chosen Rules System

Savage Worlds


Mirinias Elkarin - Turian Vanguard
Pax D’Thuun - Drell Adept
Pentus Necronix - Turian Infiltrator
Boneis - Salarian Soldier
Narro'Xen nar Karrosne - Quarian Infiltrator
Nathaniel Cooper - Human Sentinel
Wrahm - Krogan Soldier

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