I know I've been neglecting my blog a little, sorry about that guys! Life sometimes dishes up a lot of stuff to do at the same time and you only have so many hours!
So another Thursday came by where I was going to go visit my parents (I'm really excited about playing Mass Effect with my mom), but we ended up going out for dinner. So no gaming but we did discuss a holiday we'll be going on in March. My mom asked me if we can bring the game with on holiday o.O I found this funny because this is usually a no-no and the time is meant to be spent with family. Since we are playing this together, its not the same thing though :P
So eventually we did get to playing some more. I like to do a bit of a recap at the start of each session, since my mom might struggle to remember some details. Though she was quick to remind me that we need to go save that other lady (Liara). So we set off in the Normandy. My mom liked the space "flight" cinematic. Back on the Citadel she was disappointed with the Rapid Transit System because she was expecting to fly, but was given a loading screen instead. I'm renaming this to the Rapid Disappointment System (if you heard how my mom reacted you would agree)

We eventually went on the mission to go save Liara. Nothing really amusing happened other than her saying that the Krogan Battlemaster looked like a yellow frog. ("Geel padda")
After the mission we had a chat with Liara (my mom likes investigating) and found out about Benezia and Liara's dad. My mom is adamant to go to Noveria and find Benezia, so I guess we're skipping Feros for now.
We did go to the Noveria System, but got given a few assignments on the Citadel so we decided to stop off there first. We also got the mission with the escaped slave that you get when you take the Colonist background. I've never seen this and my mom and I both thought this was very sad but well done.
We eventually went back to Noveria and started the mission there. That's about how far we played.
My mom is still adamant about trying to play it herself, but she's experiencing a problem I used to have when I was a kid. Other people are using the TV :P
We hooked the computer up to my parents' television and we're playing it there. She was going to play today since she was home alone. I messaged her asking if she played, here's her reply:
"*sigh* I needed to go buy something. when I got back your sister was back and I couldn't play because she was watching TV. then I needed to make dinner"
She has the same problem when my dad is at home, but I expect her to play at some point.
Her opinion about the game so for "Dis so lekker!" (Its so fun!)
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