Monday, 18 March 2013

Mom on Noveria

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(NOTE: My blog contains spoilers, so if you haven't played Mass Effect 1, you have been warned!)

This would be a combination of a few days we played including some time over a holiday.

We managed to get the garage pass and went on our way to peak 15. We had a hilarious encounter where I tried to run over a geth trooper with the Mako. The geth model got stuck sort of inside the Mako model and it kept jumping around. It was hilarious.

We eventually managed to clear peak 15, killed Benezia (which was sad) and freed the Rachni Queen (Wrex was very unimpressed). She usually likes taking Wrex along and then cycles through the other party members.

We also managed to complete Feros over the holiday. After that we did a lot of assignments and talked to everyone on the ship. We've gotten Wrex, Garrus and Tali's missions and will be doing them before we go to Virmire.

My mom is finally starting to warm up to Garrus a little (which is great since she didn't trust him at all).

I also got my mom to read the first Mass Effect novel (Revelation). She's really enjoying it. I never thought I'd see her read a sci-fi book ever.

She wanted to take the second one home, but she has to finish the first game before I'll give it to her :P

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