Friday, 22 March 2013

Finishing Mass Effect 1 with Mom

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So we had a public holiday this past Thursday and my mom and I managed to finish Mass Effect 1!

We started on Wednesday evening. We got Wrex's family armour, helped Tali with her pilgrimage and went to deal wirh Dr Saleon for Garrus. After that we went to Virmire.

Virmire was exiting. She managed to calm Wrex down and enjoyed Captain Kirrahe's speech. Ashley went with Captain Kirrahe.

The conversation with Sovereign blew her mind. We set the bomb and went to give Ashley backup when she was faced with the choice to save her or Kaiden. She chose Ashley.

Thursday morning we went to Ilos to stop Saren from reaching the conduit. The conversation with Vigil was also very interesting and she was very surprised about the Keepers.

She enjoyed the fight in the Citadel, especially the part where we walked up the side of the Council Tower. We talked to Saren and he shot himself after trying to convince him that he's wrong. She chose the "Focus on Sovereign" option and the Council and Destiny Ascension got destroyed. She almost cried when it looked like Shepard got killed at the end.

She also chose Anderson to serve on the Citadel Council since she really dislikes Udina.

So loved playing through the story! I'm really happy about that and I'm looking forward to seeing what she'll do with the rest of the games.

She also ordered a computer screen so she can play the game when other people want to watch TV. She will be buying the Trilogy for herself and I need to bring the next novel over when I go visit again since she's finished with the first one.
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