Monday, 3 June 2013

Starting Mass Effect 2

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Yes, I admit it, I'm terrible at blogging, but here's the next installment :P

So we started playing ME2, but this time I wasn't driving :P So the first part of the game is a lot of "How to use multiple keys and the mouse at the same time". I won't lie, its kinda funny to watch, but at the same time I realize I've had a few years of experience with hand-eye coordination and PC gaming.

There was a lot of running into walls and struggling with the camera view, but eventually we got all the way to meeting TIM for the first time.

We even got around to Freedom's Progress. Took a bit of time to kill all the mechs, but my mom felt pretty good about killing that YMIR mech ;)

My mom did ask Tali to come back to the Normandy, but at the same time she decided to give Veetor over to Cerberus. Not sure what will happen because of this, since I only gave them the data.

She was happy to see Joker again.

Next up we landed on Omega to find the scientist salarian who will help with the agent to counteract the Collector Swarm effects :)

There is also a lady called Aria who insists we go see her ;)

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