Friday, 25 January 2013

Mom & The Citadel

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As predicted, my mom has been too busy to play the game herself because of work. She seemed a bit disappointed about this though :) An additional note, my friends who understand Afrikaans, imagine all the things my mom says in Afrikaans. hehehe

We did a quick recap since my mom sometimes has trouble remembering things (I'm thinking gaming will help with this). We need to find Septimus to have a chat to him, we need to find Harkin to find out where Garrus is and we need to find Fist so we can find the Quarian that has the data on Saren. We also have a few side quests still open.

Now, I haven't played Mass Effect 1 in ages and apparently I missed quite a few things, so I can't remember the Citadel very well. I just ran around trying to find stuff. My mom also remembers that if something has a blue circle we can interact with it. So we talked to a lot of NPCs and things. We were scanning the Keepers as well. I did explain to he that we don't need to talk to things if she doesn't want to. She said "How else are we supposed to learn things?" Side-quests galore. This play-through might take a while, though its a good thing, since we will be seeing

I forgot what was in the Med Clinic so we went in there to find Fist's men harassing people and Garrus trying to save them. We shot at people and kicked their asses. There was also a funny bit where the crate in the room fell on top of an enemy :P So now we got Garrus in the squad, but my mom doesn't seem to trust him very much. I hope it changes, because really, there is no Shepard without Vakarian :P

At some point we were in the area around Chora's Den. I thought, yay, we can go talk to the Genera-oh crap Fist's men are here! More ass-kicking :) and I explained to my mom what the red triangles on the mini-map were. We cornered Fist and he told us that he tricked the Quarian into meeting Saren's men. Wrex shot him after that and my chided him for killing someone who surrendered. Then we had to rush to safe the Quarian!

So we save Tali and then cut to the scene where we hear the audio file and learn about the Quarian pilgrimage. My mom likes her and the idea of the pilgrimage. So after that our squad consisted of Wrex and Tali :)

So we went back to Chora's Den. All the dancers and things are back now. We talked to the General and convinced him to shape up. We also agreed to help him out of the elcor diplomat. Then there were some random NPCs that you could interact with, but no, my mom wanted to go see the dancers, because they danced so nicely.

So we went to complete the quest with the Asari Consort. During this exchange she kind of flirts with you and offers you credits if you ask for compensation. She also offers you a gift of words. When I was at this part that was confusing but cool and I just chalked it up to asari being mystical. My mom also thinks they are quite spiritual and mystical, so she likes them a lot. My mom didn't think that much of the gift of words though and chose the "That's it?" option. I DIDN'T KNOW SHE HAS SEX WITH YOU IF YOU SAY THAT! Awkward moment #1. What surprised me is that my mom didn't think this was awkward at all and the feeling was on my side only. They don't show anything other than the hand on the side of the glass though, so maybe awkward moment will be more awkward later. (if she romances anyone)

With this not being so awkward for her and her liking asari I'm wondering about the romance options. It would be strange if it went that way.

At this point my mom was getting sleepy, so we decided to go speak with the council. She's now a Spectre :) We then spoke to Anderson and Udina. We can either go to Feros, Noveria or go to find Liara. I just told my mom that we need to do Noveria after finding Liara. Next session we're off to find Liara it seems :)

Edit: Forgot to mention that she jumps up and down when we get "points"(Paragon/Renegade) or credits.
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1 comment:

  1. Hehe, love it! It's nice to hear the story again, makes me want to play it again.
